
Famous vegetables of Kyoto

I introduce famous vegetables of Kyoto.

Famous vegetables of Kyoto are Kujo-long green onion, Kamo-eggplant, Yamanashi-eggplant, a potherb mustard, Mibu-Green, Fushimi-cayenne pepper, Shisihgatake-pumpkin, Syogoin-Japanese white radish, Horikawa-burdock and so on.

These are called "tradition vegetables of Kyoto".

These are cultivated by Kyoto original method. As for the vegetables of Kyoto, it is authorized Kyoto (41 kinds). The Kyoto original cultivation method is the method that put old agricultural methods and the latest agricultural methods together. The vegetables of Kyoto do not use a pesticide and artificial manure very much. And this cultivation method aims at the stable volume of production.

The image of Kyoto is strong, and the vegetables having the constant volume of shipment are called "brand Kyoto vegetables". These are authorized from Kyoto, too (17 kinds).
I ate Kamo-eggplant At SECOND HOUSE ( Kitayama shop). It's spaghetti with Kamo-eggplant. Really delicious!!
SECOND HOUSE (Kitayama-shop)
Adress : 京都府京都市左京区下鴨南芝町 map
business hours /11:00~23:00

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