I found 瑞泉院(Zuisen-in). 瑞泉院 is a grave of Hidetsugu Toyotomi.
Hidetsugu Toyotomi is a child of the older sister of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Hidetsugu became an adopted child of Hideyoshi. When a child was born of Hideyoshi, Hidetsugu was disliked by Hideyoshi. Then Hidetsugu was called " cruel kampaku". Because Hideji murdered many people to try the sharpness of the sword.
However, nobody knows the truth. As for Hideji, it was commanded Hideyoshi to do seppuku at the age of 28 years old and died after all. The neck of Hideji was exposed to 三条(where is plase'name in Kyoto) of riverbanks.
This is a story before about 400 years.
瑞泉院 has the old history.
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