
Kyoto Kokusai Manga Museum(京都国際マンガミュージアム)

Kyoto kokusai manga museum is facilities where it introduces the cartoon culture of Japan. Cartoons other than Japan have been exhibited there. There is a culture that reads the cartoon from the adult to the child in Japan. It is because the cartoon of Japan is very refined.

I have gone there since the afternoon. There were a lot of people because it was holiday. There were a lot of families and couple. However, I went alone. I was lonely. However, the purpose of this is to write the article. It is necessary to go if it is as much as lonely.

In this facilities, a lot of cartoons are read as much as you like. It is possible to go in and out freely if there is an admission ticket. Let's go there when you become empty because there is a coffee shop in facilities. By the way, I have slept on the bench on the outside when I read comics. It was already eight o'clock of the evening when noticing.

How much was I sleeping!?

京都国際マンガミュージアム Homepage
karasumaoike-agaru nakakyouku Kyoto-city 604-0846 地図(Map)

〒604-0846 京都市中京区烏丸通御池上ル
10:00AM-8:00PM(final entrance time: 7:30PM)
Wednesday every week(There is a special Closed. Details : to official HP. )


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