
Life is various

Ramen noodles are also various.
They are CHANPON noodles today!!!
This is a seafood chanpon (830 yen)
HIRADO is chanpon shop in north-Shirakawa in Kyoto.
This is the famous
store by which it had been
introduced to TV, and Hirado is loved from local and is always prosperous.
Delicacies from the sea and a vegetables are tastes delightful also for
a family also for a student!!!
Try it!!

address:Kyoto-shi Sakyo-ku Ichijouji Tsukamoto-chou 106 Kitaohjidoori-shirakawa sagaru futasujime nishi
京都市左京区一乗寺塚本町106 北大路通白川下ル2筋目西側
TEL :075-721-8610
close: Mon

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